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Criminal Background Checks – Where Can I Find a Criminal Check on Someone?

In the UK, as in many other countries around the world, identity fraud is on the rise. This is where someone pretends to be someone else, usually to avoid arrest. This can involve falsifying details of past and present employment, residential or vehicle history, or any form of identification. A UK criminal background check can provide vital information on anyone whose background is considered suspect by the UK authorities.

How Is It Helpful?

For example, if an employer does a criminal check on a potential employee, he or she may find that the prospective employee has a criminal record, including convictions for fraud and forgery. The same goes for a residential property provider. If a tenant searches for a property, he or she may well discover that the property is in fact a front for counterfeit money or a fake identity. Likewise, a UK company may discover that a potential new employee has a history of fraud or at least an attempt to commit it.

The UK passport application can only be approved after the applicant shows proof of identity. When there is suspicion that the person applying for the UK passport is trying to defraud the country of its money or that he or she may present himself or herself as someone else when in reality they are not. Two typical causes of this would include hiding one’s identity through acts of crime or through fabricating one’s birth certificate.

Why Are Criminal Background Checks Important?

There have been many instances when the UK authorities have caught people who have tried to use another person’s birth certificate to get a UK passport. In most cases, these fake UK identities were designed to provide a cover for illegal activity such as identity theft. For instance, an individual who wants to get a UK passport may falsify his original birth certificate to get one. It has also been witnessed that some criminals try to use British citizenship in order to dodge detection or avoid arrest in another country.

There are several ways through which you can get yourself in trouble when using someone else’s original documents. If you are caught using someone else’s birth certificate, then the state will prosecute you for crimes. However, using a fake birth certificate can be tricky. In fact, it has been witnessed that several people involved in the crime of identity theft have been caught using either a real or a fake driving license or a fake ID card.

On the other hand, a birth certificate issued in England and Wales can be used as valid proof of age. However, this does not mean that someone can just go ahead and issue someone else’s birth records as a duplicate. Many people do not realize that issuing a duplicate birth certificate is a crime. In fact, such crime is taken very seriously in the United Kingdom. Obtaining false birth certificates and driving licenses under different names is a federal crime worldwide.

Background Checks For Employees

In addition to the need to be careful with your own identity, you must also be careful with the identity of any person you intend to hire for work. For this reason, you will need to find a reliable and authentic criminal background check UK company so that you can get hold of the right documents. The Background Checker provides these services at an affordable rate, providing you a detailed history of anyone’s background. With a professional service provider, you can relax and expect a safe and secure working or studying environment.

This kind of service provider is available online. All you have to do is visit The Background Checker website. You can then make your choice and start your online investigation. If the results suggest that there are criminal records available on the individual, you will then be able to decide if you want to hire them or not.

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