Barred List
What is an barred list?
A barred list is a record of data in which individuals are not permitted to undertake regulated activity. This may be with either children and / or vulnerable adults as such there is a further breakdown on the lists being for each of the specific regulated activities.
Types of Barred list
Children’s Barred List
Formally known as a ‘List 99’ check, allows educational establishments to check whether an individual is barred from working with children.
Adult Barred List
This check exposes all individuals that are prohibited from working with known vulnerable adults and to even allow somebody to volunteer in these circumstances if they were known on the barred list.
Why do you need this?
The Barred List exists to help organisations recruit safely and to prevent unsuitable candidates from working with vulnerable people.
It’s a criminal offence for a person to work with a group from which they have been barred from working.
It’s also an offence for an employer to hire a person to work in a regulated activity with vulnerable people if they have been barred from doing so.
Why choose us?
The Background Checker will be able to apply to the DBS for an enhanced certificate with barred list information to determine whether a person is barred, on your behalf. Allowing for a smooth process from a unbiased and reliable source.